Shannon Original Irish Cream 1.14L

Shannon Original Irish Cream 1.14L

Apothic White 750 ml

Apothic White 750 ml

Carnivor Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

Location: Sumas

***Online orders must be placed 2 hours prior to pick up and all orders must be picked up at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled store closure.***

Availability: In stock
Carnivor Cabernet is big and bold that opens with a deep, dark inky color and aromas of dark cherry and toasted oak. On the palate, this Cabernet offers rich flavors of blackberry, coffee and mocha. A touch of Petite Sirah enhanced the dark color and overall structure of the wine, while Merlot softened the mouthfeel, creating a distinctive smoothness and a lingering, silky finish.